AT&T Istel
Pension Plan

AT&T ISTEL Pension Plan

The AT&T ISTEL Pension Plan (the “Plan”) provides benefits on retirement and on death for members. The Plan primarily provides defined benefit (‘DB’) benefits to members, although members may have paid additional voluntary contributions (“AVCs”), a type of defined contribution (“DC”) or ‘money purchase’ benefit, into the Plan. All members of the Plan are either receiving a pension (including spouses or dependants of members who have died) or have a deferred pension which will be paid when the member retires. The Plan closed to future accrual of benefits on 31 January 2010, which means there are no active members in the Plan. The Plan is run by its Board of Trustee Directors, which include both member-nominated trustee directors (“MNDs”) and employer-nominated trustee directors (“ENDs”). MNDs are nominated by the members of the Plan, while ENDs are nominated by the Plan’s principal employer, AT&T ISTEL. The Plan’s Trustee Directors run the Plan with assistance from a range of advisers. Please note that details are not included on this website for members of the AT&T Pension Scheme, which is a different pension scheme that is run by a different trustee board.
